IELTS PREPARATION - English Proficiency Assessment (to be continued)

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Test 1

Section 1: Grammar

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:

My sister and I _____ going to the park.

a) is

b) are

c) am

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

The book is _____ the table.

a) on

b) at

c) in

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

_____ is the best teacher I've ever had.

a) He

b) She

c) They

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence:

I saw _____ elephant at the zoo yesterday.

a) a

b) an

c) the

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

We _____ a lot of fun at the party last night.

a) had

b) has

c) have

Section 2: Vocabulary

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A large, carnivorous animal with a mane and tail:

a) horse

b) lion

c) tiger

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A device used to talk to someone who is far away:

a) telephone

b) television

c) computer

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

To give money or goods to help someone:

a) sell

b) buy

c) donate

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A small, fast car:

a) truck

b) motorcycle

c) sports car

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

To make someone feel happy and hopeful again after a disappointment:

a) encourage

b) discourage

c) annoy

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


Terry is a busy man. He works at a bank during the day and goes to school at night. He also coaches his son's baseball team on weekends. In his free time, Terry likes to read books and watch movies.

What does Terry do during the day?

a) He goes to school.

b) He works at a bank.

c) He coaches his son's baseball team.

What does Terry do in his free time?

a) He reads books and watches movies.

b) He coaches his son's baseball team.

c) He works at a bank.

When does Terry go to school?

a) During the day.

b) At night.

c) On weekends.

Section 4: Writing

Write a short paragraph (50-75 words) describing your favorite hobby.

Write a short email (50-75 words) to your friend telling them about a movie you recently saw and enjoyed.

Test 2

Section 1: Grammar

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:

If I _____ time, I would have gone to the concert.

a) had

b) have

c) will have

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

She is interested _____ learning a new language.

a) in

b) at

c) on

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

My friend and _____ went to the movies.

a) me

b) I

c) myself

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence:

He is _____ only person who can help us.

a) an

b) the

c) a

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The students _____ to complete the project by Friday.

a) need

b) needs

c) needed

Section 2: Vocabulary

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A person who loves and protects nature:

a) conservationist

b) environmentalist

c) biologist

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A long, angry speech:

a) sermon

b) monologue

c) tirade

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A feeling of intense dislike:

a) enmity

b) empathy

c) apathy

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

To criticize or find fault with something:

a) commend

b) condemn

c) condone

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A strong feeling of disgust or hatred:

a) loathing

b) loving

c) liking

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly popular in many fields. It is used in healthcare to diagnose and treat diseases, in finance to detect fraud, and in transportation to improve safety. However, some people are concerned that AI could replace human jobs and lead to social and economic issues.

What are some fields in which AI is used?

a) Education and agriculture

b) Healthcare and finance

c) Energy and construction

What are some concerns people have about AI?

a) It could improve safety in transportation.

b) It could replace human jobs.

c) It could help diagnose and treat diseases.

What does the passage suggest about the future of AI?

a) It will replace all human jobs.

b) It will lead to social and economic issues.

c) It will continue to be used in many fields.

Section 4: Writing

Write a short essay (150-200 words) discussing the pros and cons of social media.

Write a formal letter (100-150 words) to your employer requesting a raise and explaining why you deserve it.

Test 3: 

Section 1: Grammar

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:

The CEO _____ to meet with the investors tomorrow.

a) is going

b) was going

c) will be going

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

She was impressed _____ the quality of the presentation.

a) by

b) with

c) on

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

_____ are going to the party tonight?

a) Who

b) Whom

c) Whose

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence:

I need _____ new computer for work.

a) an

b) the

c) a

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

She _____ to study abroad next semester.

a) is planning

b) has planned

c) planned

Section 2: Vocabulary

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A person who is not interested in politics:

a) apolitical

b) bipartisan

c) liberal

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

To take back a statement or opinion:

a) retract

b) endorse

c) advocate

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A state of being completely forgotten:

a) oblivion

b) prominence

c) notoriety

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

To make something less severe or intense:

a) alleviate

b) aggravate

c) exacerbate

Choose the word that best fits the definition:

A sudden and violent change in the Earth's surface:

a) earthquake

b) tornado

c) landslide

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


Global warming is a major issue that affects the entire planet. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes are some of the main causes of global warming. The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the extinction of many plant and animal species.

What are some of the main causes of global warming?

a) The melting of glaciers and ice caps

b) The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation

c) The use of nuclear energy and wind power

What are some of the consequences of global warming?

a) The extinction of many plant and animal species

b) The development of new forms of energy

c) The increase of forested areas around the world

What does the passage suggest about the importance of addressing global warming?

a) It is not a significant issue for the planet.

b) It has only minor effects on the environment.

c) It has serious consequences that need to be addressed.

Section 4: Writing

Write a short essay (150-200 words) discussing the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources.

Write an informal email (100-150 words) to a friend describing a recent trip you took and what you enjoyed most about it.

Test 4

Section 1: Grammar

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:
The students _____ their homework before class.
a) completed
b) completes
c) will complete

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:
He is afraid _____ spiders.
a) of
b) from
c) with

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:
We went to the park and _____ played frisbee.
a) them
b) they
c) their

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence:
Can you pass me _____ salt, please?
a) an
b) the
c) a

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
She _____ to be a doctor when she grows up.
a) wants
b) want
c) wanted

Section 2: Vocabulary

Choose the word that best fits the definition:
A person who studies the stars and planets:
a) astronomer
b) biologist
c) psychologist

Choose the word that best fits the definition:
A sudden and violent storm with thunder and lightning:
a) hurricane
b) tornado
c) thunderstorm

Choose the word that best fits the definition:
A person who works in a hospital and assists doctors:
a) nurse
b) surgeon
c) pharmacist

Choose the word that best fits the definition:
To move back and forth or up and down quickly:
a) jump
b) sway
c) crawl

Choose the word that best fits the definition:
A person who writes books, stories, or articles:
a) author
b) editor
c) journalist

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


It is important to get enough sleep each night. Sleep helps to refresh the mind and body, and lack of sleep can have serious consequences. It can affect a person's mood, ability to concentrate, and even their physical health. Adults should aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

Why is it important to get enough sleep?
a) It helps to refresh the mind and body.
b) It is necessary for socializing with others.
c) It is a way to avoid stress.

What are some consequences of not getting enough sleep?
a) It can affect a person's mood and physical health.
b) It can improve a person's concentration and productivity.
c) It can increase a person's stress levels.

How many hours of sleep should adults aim for each night?
a) Five to six hours
b) Seven to eight hours
c) Nine to ten hours

Section 4: Writing

Write a short paragraph (100-150 words) describing your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.

Write a simple email (50-75 words) to your friend inviting them to a party next week.

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