IELTS Speaking - Sample Test 2 - Education

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Introduction (1minute)Interviewer greets the candidate and introduces himself or herself.
Interviewer asks the candidate to state his or her name clearly for the recorder.
Interviewer asks to see the candidate's passport and verification of the same.

Section 1 –Short Interview (3-4 minute)
  • Introduce yourself. For which organization are you working for?.
  • Which is your favourite hobby?
  • Describing one of your favorite books.
  • You should say, What kind of books you like. What is your favorite book?
  • What it is about.
  • When did you get it?Why you like it.

Section 2-Individual long turn Monologue.

Candidate has to speak about the topic given in the task card (1-2 minutes). Candidate can use pen or pencil to jot down the points about the topic in task card.
Task card
  Describe a subject taught in your school?
           1) Who teaches it?
           2) How is it taught?
           3) What do you learn from the class?

Follow up Questions/Discussion / Dialogue ( 4-5 minutes )

  •        Is there any difference between the traditional and modern educational systems?
  •        What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your country?
  •        Do you think it is necessary to give comment or criticism to teachers?


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